Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Sermonette

If the challenges of life waited for you to be ready for them, they wouldn't, of course, be called challenges.

"Sailboat In A Storm" ~~ Mia Hansen

~~ Robert Brault

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday Flyer

I had a dream where I asked God, "Are you real or did man invent you?"  And God said, "Actually, it was a woman."

~~ Robert Brault

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday Wildcard

In the life you might have lived, the years never pass.  On the person you might have been, age never leaves its mark. How different would seem our might-have-beens if we could see them as they would be now.

~~ Robert Brault

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Sermonette

What you can and can't do is a test of your resolve, not an extrapolation of your resume.

Sherpa Adventure Gear

~~ Robert Brault

Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday Flyer

It sometimes takes a keen eye to see the beauty hidden beneath the layers of trying to look young.

~~ Robert Brault

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday Wildcard

One thing you learn in life is that if you're going to celebrate, celebrate as soon as possible.

~~ Robert Brault

Monday, May 18, 2020

Ten Ways To Ace Your Judgment Day Interview

(From the Online Life Coach)

1. Be on time.

2. Dress appropriately (business attire or smart casual)

3. Be engaged, alert, make direct eye contact.

4. When the Lord speaks, lean forward, look interested.

5. Tell the Lord you've heard a lot about heaven and like what you hear.

6. Be familiar with the Lord's background. ("I think your Ten Commandments speak to all of us.")

7. Be honest about personal flaws. ("I tend to be too forgiving.")

8. Do not hesitate to underscore qualifications. ("I go to church every Easter.")

9. Be specific on where you want to be in five years.

10. Make it clear that you'll accept the standard benefits package.

-- Robert Brault

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Flyer

I trust more the person who strives to be on the side of God than one claiming to be already there.


~~ Robert Brault

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday Grab Bag

It is better to execute a plan and see what happens than to make "Let's see what happens" your plan.


Things go wrong in the course of a day, mostly trivial things trying to make themselves seem important.


The difference between hope and wishful thinking is that you usually build on hope, whereas wishful thinking is always a strategy in itself.

~~ Robert Brault

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday Sermonette

"A mother always counts to ten,
And never, never peeks,
But always knows just where you hide,
And there she never seeks,
Until the very nick of time
Lest tears run down your cheeks."

Getty Images

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Flyer

I'd like to say, on behalf of all us lifelong doubters, that we're a bit overwhelmed these days, there being so much information that needs to be doubted.

~~ Robert Brault

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday Wildcard

Experience is a patient teacher, always willing to repeat the lesson for slow learners.

~~ Robert Brault

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday Sermonette

"What a clever liar always discovers is that telling the truth would not only have been more honest but more clever."

~~ Robert Brault