Monday, April 15, 2024

Some New, Some Old

 There are few opportunities in life more exciting than meeting a beautiful person who has not yet been sufficiently informed of the fact.

What person of faith does not pray for certainty, as if the world needs fewer people of faith and more people of certainty.

A key element in the art of communication is the perfectly-worded glance.

You can look at it as traffic, or you can look at it as a convocation of people who, with varying degrees of resolution and determination, got themselves up, dressed and out the door this morning.

"Morning Commute" -

I have always enjoyed expressing myself through music.  My instrument?  My two hands applauding the band.

I have this dream.  It's Judgment Day and the Lord says to the assembled hopefuls, "I see what you have done to planet Earth.  Why exactly again would I want that done to Heaven?"

One thing I've observed, both in myself and others, is that you can be as good a person as a child mistakenly thinks you are.

The trouble with self-love is that it doesn't last, and rarely do you remain friends after the break-up.

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