Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thoughts at Age 86+

 "To be beautiful, you need only be beautiful in someone's eyes, and it continually amazes how little actual beauty that requires."

"It is hard, when you discover that someone can't handle the truth, not to keep telling it to them."

"There is a point in getting to know you when people come to understand you, but how do you tell them to stop right there?"

"I shudder to think...which is why I have largely given up the practice."

"Sometimes it seems like you've spent your whole life preparing for an inspection that never happened."

"Life never tires of testing the proposition that life must go on."

"It always surprises how much of any human emotion is just time that needs to go by."

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Daily Battle

 "Remember this -- that you are exceptional, no matter how hard the requirements of everyday living try to make you average."

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I, My Shadow

This Sun you speak of, my shadow asks,
This invisible light in the skies,
Why does it never reveal itself?
Why does it hide from my eyes?

This Heavenly Thing that created me,
This lantern somewhere above,
Why do I never feel its warmth?
Where, for me, is its love?

And what to a shadow does it mean
 To be born of some mystical Light,
If only to fade at the end of the day
And vanish into the night?

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Monday's Child

A poem written in the final days of the 2nd Iraq War

"Monday's child is fair of face..."

She cradled in her soft embrace
her Monday's child, fair of face,
a winsome brown-eyed baby boy,
in all her life no greater joy.

She watched him grow, a handsome lad,
so much the image of his dad
that neighbors called him little Bill,
but he, he could not wait until --

-- the day he turned a bare eighteen
to march away, a proud Marine
to follow his commander's voice
and fight the latest war of choice.

They brought him home, his face disguised.
To glance beneath was not advised.
She smothered in a last embrace
her Monday's child, fair of face.

-- Robert Brault

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Would you really want to be immortal -- to live forever in this life with no chance of escape? Is it even possible to remain sane before such a prospect?  Besides which, what crime did you commit that you should be sentenced to life with no possibility of parole?  

Thursday, February 6, 2025

More Common Sense From Mom

O, how much wiser I would be

If I could sit me on my knee

And pat myself upon the head

And say the words my mother said.

"My son," she said, so lovingly,

"You mustn't sit you on your knee.

You'll dislocate your lower back

And strain your sacroiliac."

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Mental Maunderings

 "If every individual on earth were perfectly objective, would there be such a thing as an individual?"

"What if instead of a parallel universe, there were a perpendicular universe?  Discuss."

Did you know that the Washington Monument was named after Abraham Lincoln? That's right -- Lincoln was named in 1809; the Washington Monument wasn't named until 1888.  

"Why does every person now living think they are going to die when no person now living ever has?"

If you can say, "She sells seashells by the seashore," why is it so hard to say, "I'm sorry."