Sunday, September 17, 2023

Twelve Thoughts

If you follow an old recipe, do not expect a new dish.

There is evidence of a God perfect in all things except creating beings in His own image.

How can you not be optimistic about a world where armies of little angels, disguised as devils and launched under cover of darkness, keep coming back with candy.

What do you say about a creature who, seeing a lion in the jungle, concludes that he, not the lion, is the one made in the image of God. 

Ever notice how we meateaters prefer to eat animals that eat a healthy vegetable diet?

If you do not believe in miracles, then how exactly can you believe in yourself?

Complexity is what causes your brow to furrow.  Simplicity is what causes your mouth to drop open. 

I don't know that laughter is the best medicine, but, if not, it has wondrously curative side effects.

Man is a creature of pranks whose God has never been pictured laughing.

The secret of a long life is to invite ardor into your heart, also known as ardoring of the hearteries. 

No one ever says, "That's a very good question," and answers it.

If your life were a movie, which Oscar would you most like to win:  best actor or best film? 


  1. I like them all, but I'm left with the final thought. I'm leaning towards the best movie although the question continues to generate the same doubt in me since I read it. Thanks for keep on brighting Robert!
