Friday, May 10, 2024

More Speaking For Myself

 "The thing I like best about keeping my own company is that I can usually sense when it's time to leave."

"I have never pleaded temporary insanity, doubting I could prove it was temporary."

"Actually, I long ago discovered the real me -- and realized it was not someone my parents would have wanted me playing with." 


"As reported in Genesis, the Creator surveyed His handiwork and saw that everything was good, not great, which confirms my own observations."

Perhaps I can't handle the truth, but it is a short list of people I would trust to make that decision for me."

"If God had wanted a better me, He would have created a better me, which leads to the daunting possibility that He did."

"I don't know a thing about heaven and hell, except that it's probably a mistake to judge them by the people who expect to go there."

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