Sunday, June 23, 2024

From The Archive

 As I labor these days to say something fresh and new,  I occasionally remind myself of how easy it used to seem.  Here, for example, is a single day's output from June 2014.  


"Sometimes we don't know what we want, and we blame our unhappiness on someone who doesn't know, either."

"Everything happens for the purpose of whatever you decide to do about it."

"So often people who have the same definition of fun have the same definition of love."

"I have found that winning isn't everything, and, in fact, in the relationships I most care about, it isn't anything.'"

"To truly forgive is to allow the other person to forget."

Sometimes Fate arranges that you be somewhere by yourself, so that you might be asked, "Are you here by yourself?"

"For every childhood question there is a preposterous answer that you weren't actually supposed to believe forever."

"To really know someone is to know the silence that stands for the thing they never speak of."

"There are times in life when the only difference between day and night is whether you're alone or alone by yourself."

"We are all human beings, subject to human weakness, often mistaken for betrayal."

"No matter how you hurry about, you will notice at the end of the day that you traveled at the speed of time."

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