Sunday, January 26, 2025

Yours Truly in The Quote Garden

The Quote Garden website contains hundreds of my quotes.  Here are a few I especially like.

"Gratitude, friendship, respect -- funny how it's never called loyalty when there's actually a reason for it."

"When you are one of the pieces, it doesn't seem like a game."

"It is easier to be the hero of the moment than the hero of every drudging hour and every grinding day."

"When everybody knows the shortcut, the long way around is the shortcut."

"In the best of relationships you have two people who cannot think of anything that was not part of the deal."


  1. Awww, thanks! Here are my favorites:

    A simple definition of life: The chance you've been waiting for. ~Robert Brault

    Occasionally ask, "What is the connection between what I want most in life and anything I plan to do today?" ~Robert Brault

    The key to happiness is pretty much the same as the key to worry and anxiety — you must learn to make a big deal out of nothing. ~Robert Brault

    Life is a vale of tears in which there are moments you just can't stop giggling. ~Robert Brault

    We are all, in the course of a lifetime, a half dozen different people, bound together by memories of the same childhood. ~Robert Brault

    Life is a series of tasks that you absolutely must get done before they don't matter any more. ~Robert Brault

    Sometimes, to have a conversation you really need to have, you need to take a walk alone in the rain. ~Robert Brault

    Why be saddled with this thing called life expectancy? Of what relevance to an individual is such a statistic? Am I to concern myself with an allotment of days I never had and was never promised? Must I check off each day of my life as if I am subtracting from this imaginary hoard? No, on the contrary, I will add each day of my life to my treasure of days lived. And with each day, my treasure will grow, not diminish. ~Robert Brault

    Stored away in some brain cell is the image of a long-departed aunt you haven't thought of in 30 years. Stored away in another cell is the image of a pink pony stitched on your first set of baby pajamas. All it takes to get that aunt mounted on the back of that pony is to eat a hunk of meatloaf immediately before going to bed. ~Robert Brault

    Have a wonderful day, and thanks for all the wisdom, heart tugs, food for thought, and giggles! Your words are an absolute treasure and I'm grateful that you allow me to post them on my site.

  2. Thanks, Terri. You, of course, are the co-creator of the internet persona called "Robert Brault." Without "The Quote Garden," I would always have been just a fellow named Bob in Connecticut. It's been a great run, but it's pretty much over now -- a victim of social networking like everything else in the creative world. Oh, well. ~~ A big hug from Connecticut.

  3. Well, I for one am grateful that Bob in Connecticut has provided us with so many pearls of wisdom (and humour) and I truly appreciate the impact that you've had on my thoughts over the years. I hope that one day my kids look back on my life and think similar things.

    Many thanks from Mike in Sydney.
