Monday, January 29, 2024

On Faith

 "Who is the person of greater faith -- the person of certainty or the person who every day overcomes doubt?"

Saturday, January 27, 2024

On Happiness

 "One thing you notice about the happiest people is that they always seem to have the littlest reason."

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

On Parenting

"There is this curious feeling you have as a parent that nothing you do makes any difference and yet has lifelong consequences."

"All you can do as a parent is to make the recommended mistakes at the recommended age and trust to God."

"What's missing from most How-To books on parenting is how to be on the receiving end of it." 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

A Thought By The Fire

 How often do we search to find

  in memories of old

Or in some fancied, wistful dream

 of days to yet unfold

Or in our fond imaginings of places

  far and wide

The happiness that all the while

  is sitting by our side.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Tender Subjects

I asked, "How can anyone who really knows me ever love me?" only to discover that it was the only way anyone ever would.

"It's not easy -- loving someone through the chinks in their armor -- and we seldom appreciate enough the person we ask it of."

"To truly know someone is to know the thing they never speak of -- and to recognize the silences that speak of it."

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Just We Three

 "There are memories I choose not to live with, although we occasionally walk the same beach."

Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Year's Thoughts

 "If everyone were a perfectionist, there would never have been an opening night on Broadway."


"It is a rare person who can distinguish a purpose in life from the side effects of having been born." 

"A Supreme Court justice can only be one of the following: liberal, conservative or just."

"If you have never lied to protect your honor, then you may call yourself honorable."

"Nothing runs out sooner than time to spare."