Thursday, January 30, 2025

Just Saying

  "Most sinners know who their forgivers will be, and that, more than anything, is what makes it a sin."

Nothing is more difficult, after you say, "I love you," than explaining what you didn't mean by it.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Yours Truly in The Quote Garden

The Quote Garden website contains hundreds of my quotes.  Here are a few I especially like.

"Gratitude, friendship, respect -- funny how it's never called loyalty when there's actually a reason for it."

"When you are one of the pieces, it doesn't seem like a game."

"It is easier to be the hero of the moment than the hero of every drudging hour and every grinding day."

"When everybody knows the shortcut, the long way around is the shortcut."

"In the best of relationships you have two people who cannot think of anything that was not part of the deal."

Friday, January 24, 2025

Politics, Anyone?

 The fundamental debate in politics is how there came to be less wealth than there are fair shares.

If you believe that there is only so much wealth to go around, you will eventually believe that there is only so much freedom to go around.

A compromise every individual has to make is between a mind seeking truth and a body seeking comfort.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

That Daily Grind Again

It's a tricky thing -- knowing the life you want to live, knowing what makes it possible and not letting what makes it possible keep you from living it.


There are people who, if they chased a butterfly, it would take them to the office.

A good thing to remember is that it's not usually your employer who writes your obituary.

Never postpone taking a vacation thinking you won't get another chance to postpone taking  a vacation.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The City of Happiness

"Most of us, in our life's journey, never reach the City of Happiness, not because its environs are forbidding but because they are inviting, and so we settle in East Happiness or West Happiness." 

~~ from A Few For The Road 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Bumper Stickers

"This vehicle decelerates in the passing lane."

"Turn signal not a guarantee of future performance."

"I stop for flashing blue lights."

"Driver of the Month -- August 1956"

"My son is an honor student at Ed's Online University."

"This car climbed Death Valley."

A Bonus Thought 

"Having a monthly subscription payment taken directly from your bank account is not only a convenience but, after death, a form of immortality."

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Best Friend

You were always the person I'd run to

To tell of some news that I'd heard,

The person I'd always turn to

When it all started getting absurd.

You were the one I could run to,

You were the friend  'round the  bend

Who could always think of a reason 

Why all would be well in the end.

 You were the person I'd run to,

You were the place I could hide,

Until that day you were suddenly gone...

 ...And I ran to tell you who died.

Friday, January 10, 2025


Time -- that which reveals all lies, revises all forecasts and renders inadequate all excuses.


No matter how you rush about, you will notice at the end of the day that you traveled at the speed of time.


Nothing lasts forever, although we often underestimate how long it will last in the meantime.

I live on a tiny planet orbiting a minor star.  Each time the planet completes an orbit, I count off a segment of my life.  Why do I do this?  I dunno, it passes the time.

~~ from Short Thoughts For The Long Haul

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Daily Grind

 "There are days when you feel that if you walked down the street in a clown costume, no one would recall seeing anyone in a clown costume."


"There is no actual law that says you can't get locked into a daily routine that makes you happy."

"Whatever you're trying to prove, it's good occasionally to spend a day not trying to prove it."

"Never let anything ruin your day that is not on the list of things you will let ruin your day."

~~ from Reflections 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Ah, Contentment!

"If you would find a truly contented person in this world, it would likely be someone no one thinks to envy, who seeks no attention, invites no comparison, whose contentment is their own private business."


"Is it surrender, or is it to find contentment -- to be happy with your consolations."

"The key to contentment is the same as the key to worry and anxiety -- you must learn to make a big deal out of nothing."

"Contentment is that rare moment when you forget what you deserve and let what you have be enough."

~~ from A Few For The Road

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 "We speak of creating happy memories, only to discover that all memories are sad.  It is only a question of whether the sadness is bitter or sweet."


"What we envy about the folks in an old family photo is not so much the life they lived as the future they imagined."

"The hardest thing about reliving the past

Is reassembling the original cast."

~~ from A Few For The Road