Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How To Ace Your Judgment Day Interview

 1. Be on time.

2. Tell the Lord you've heard a lot about heaven and like what He's doing with it.

3. Be neat, alert, make direct eye contact.

4. Dress as you would for a special occasion.

5. When the Lord speaks, lean forward, act interested.

6. Be familiar with the Lord's work. ("Your Ten Commandments are so cool.")

7. Be clear on where you want to be in five years.

8. Be honest about personal flaws. ("I tend to be too forgiving.")

9. Do not hesitate to underscore qualifications. ("I go to church every Easter.")

10. Make it clear that you'll accept the standard benefits package.


  1. Oh my goodness, haven't laughed this hard in quite a while, I needed that! 😂 Thank you.

    1. My pleasure, Terri. A small payment on a large debt.
